MY beloved, be not afraid, MY ones. Many of MY people are afraid of ME, saith the Spirit of God. And really, truly they should be, because I AM the ONE that can destroy and give life and do all these things. (more…)
Powerful Message From the Past
Greetings! I just finished posting a message never heard before, poured through Brother Freedom. It was given more than a decade ago. We still have many unpublished audio messages. From time to time I upload one. These messages touch my heart and God uses them to do a work in me. Maybe they will touch others. I hope so. Click on the link below to be taken to the page with this message. May God touch you through this.
My People Are In Trouble This Hour
Never Published Message June 16, 2005
I just uploaded a message never heard before. As always these messages are ageless and something you need to hear. There are two prophetic words in the post and it tells you where they are. But the whole sermon is so very anointed. Here’s Brother Freedom preaching as God used him so very often! Just click the link below.
We Really Need To Have the Comforter
I’ve Just uploaded A New Message
This message is “new” in that it has not been heard by anyone here on the Internet. Brother Freedom preached this message on June 9, 2005. As I was editing this message for publication my heart was deeply touched by what I heard. The anointing was upon this message!! So few ministers that I hear today on radio or TV function under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Instead they preach totally to my mind. These preachers would make great lecturers at a Bible school, but their message rarely touches my spirit. Brother Freedom, on the other hand, functions in the anointing of the Spirit of God. Soon I’m not hearing a man speak, but the Holy Spirit is sending the words coming forth into my spirit. This message contains a powerful word from the Throne Room of God at minute 41 and 45 seconds. Here is the link to that wonderful, timeless, anointed message:
Formerly Unpublished Message 20050206
Dear Friends:
I just uploaded another unpublished audio message of Brother Freedom’s. We will have many more of these because Brother Freedom was such a prolific preacher. What an anointing is on that message! I was fed just listening as I prepared it for uploading! Please click the link below and be blessed!
God Is Here To RE-ESTABLISH us
The Holy Ghost Spoke True!
Dear Friends:
Way back in 2004 Brother Freedom spoke under the anointing of the Holy Spirit (The Holy Ghost) a true word. Of course the Holy Spirit NEVER speaks anything but pure truth. Those words have been coming true beginning in 2008 and now in 2016 it is coming even more true. Please click the link below and read for yourself. I know Brother Freedom often spoke back in the past of the things we are facing today. But because Brother Freedom’s messages are so numerous I only recently ran across one of those messages. If you find other messages of Freedom’s about the financial fall of the United States, let me know. Please click the link below to get to that important prophetic word that is being fulfilled right now.
Click here for A Currently Fulfilling Prophecy
Important Message Link
I just posted a fantastic message, never published before. This message is so timeless and will help you greatly. In it Brother Freedom shares great secrets that will help your life in God. Here’s the link. Just click on the link below to get to this important message:
Brother Freedom Is Home Now
Brother Freedom went to be with the Lord on December 14, 2015. He was 83 years of age. Truly his life has been an example to many, a life lived in the power and direction of the Holy Ghost.
Bro. Freedom’s Departing Message
This is the last message Brother Freedom proclaimed. It was given on Sunday, November 29, 2015. On December 14, 2015 he was swept up by the angels and taken to glory. In this message he mentions the phrase “have a good day.” This was not only one of his favorite sayings, but he is referencing a mighty miracle that occurred when the Lord instructed him to say to an angry woman, who came into the repair shop, ONLY those four words and nothing else. And through that she was redeemed to God, a glorious salvation. She was a backslider who had become very bitter.
Brother Freedom was such a prolific preacher that we still have several hundred messages that have not yet been transcribed and/or edited for audio publication. Many more messages, God willing, are to be uploaded as the months and days ahead come and go. So keep checking in for more anointed words given to this man of God. And now please listen to this very short message of about five minutes. It has important words for us all.
The Tool Box and Buzzards
The Tool Box and Buzzards 20151115
Preached on November 15, 2015
Well yesterday I was out here watching these old buzzards come down, zoom down, pick up, take off. You know what buzzards do? They pick up dead things. Now as I started watching them the Lord started putting in my heart: that is what the Christians are doing. They are zooming around. Until they get saved they are meant to do that. But after they get saved they are not, no longer, to zoom down and pick up old dead stuff.
And that is what, many times, the Lord put so vividly in my mind. That is what we do. We go after dead things. We should be growing.
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USA in Peril of Take Over
Overview of this message:
Sound file: 20151018.mp3 Time: 9:18
Scripture: 2nd Timothy 3:1-5
Brother Freedom begs his listeners to seek God. These are days just prior to peril and shaking. Near the end of this message he warns that if things do not change in the USA that it is in danger of being taken over by it’s enemies. The USA is no longer strong enough to totally defend itself. It is full of corruption, anarchy and division. Greater powers in other parts of the world may well come in and take the land.