America Has Lost It’s First Love

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Scripture Reading:  2nd Chronicles 7:14; Proverbs 1:23-31

Brother Freedom has been feeling the powerful effects of Hurricane Sandy which recently struck the northeast of the U.S.A.  The Holy Spirit has impressed Brother Freedom that chaos is breaking out upon this Nation.   In all our knowledge and learning we cannot see that shaking our fist in the face of God brings judgment and grave problems.  Brother Freedom saw this first when our Nation came under the attack of foreign powers in the Nine-Eleven event.  Then Hurricane Katrina was another judgment when our Nation pressed Israel to turn Gaza over to another people and to remove themselves from that area.

As Brother Freedom says,…the initials of God are upon hurricane Sandy.  These problems are here because the church has become cold and dead and powerless.  These problems in the church have brought chaos and the increase of sin in the Nation.  The increase of sin brings weather disturbances.  The world says it is “Global Warming.”   But the bottom line is that Christianity has sunk into another “dark age.”

Brother Freedom senses that the United States has gone too far.  It may well be that the U.S. has gone beyond the point of no return as a Nation.

The Scriptures read today are so very important.  Brother Freedom is very tired of the way Christians are treating God.  We have lost our First Love!  Christians have gone cold, lost in tradition.  This 24 minute message is very relevant if you care about reality.

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