To the Whole Body of Christ

[This is a super powerful revelation with two distinct words from the Throne Room.  This message really and truly embodies the overall message that Brother Freedom has been sent by God to give to the modern church.  If you take this message in, with the help of the Spirit of God, you will see the true perspective of God Almighty on the modern church.  Conditions are desperate in these last days.  Please pray that God will open this message to your heart!]

What I have to share is probably… I don’t know. I hope everybody can receive it.

But I really believe that there is in a Christian realm two forces at will in the day that we are living in. There is a realm, a whole lot, and that is why there is people that say there is comfort in numbers, and all that it gives them, POWER through numbers.

But we see that there is so many of the people of the church world today that really work HARD for the things of the Lord, they really do. And they work in a very special way to try to better themselves, that they might know more about the Word. They even try to bring themselves into great knowledge of the Word. They try to excel above their brother. They try to do well unto the Lord. And they go beyond. And they work in areas trying to be better in their minds. They really work hard, working for God. There is thousands of them. That is what we call, mostly, the church-world today.

And they live in a realm [where] they are on guard all the time because they have got everything predicted, what is going to take place. Their week is all programmed ahead of schedule, what they are going to do and what they are going to sing. Everything is REALLY scheduled out. There is no flaws in what they are doing. They are in perfection. They have even learned more about the Word than it seems like God knows HIMSELF, according to them. They are very educated. They are very studious. And they are very down to the Earth about what they are speaking about. It is a very thought-out ministry. It is very appeasing. And they have a lot of words that they can argue out points because of how they work. And it WORKS, to some degree!

But I believe there is also another realm that God has, and it is what those have who are led by the Spirit [of God]. Now these [who] are led by the Spirit are not nothing. They don’t even FIT with the other because they that are “…led by the Spirit…” [Romans 8:14] have to learn that they must wait upon God. They must learn, and they must “…come before his presence with singing.” [Psalm 100:2b] And they come unto HIS presence and they don’t understand anything! They just realize that they need a Saviour. They need the presence of God. They need the King of Kings to come into their life. They don’t care about being a “big shot.” They don’t care about being better than their brother. They don’t care that they don’t know too much. They don’t care that they are not as wise as the one on the corner. But they know one thing! They are going to WAIT upon that ONE that they love. They are going to wait there, and they are going to DESIRE to wait in HIS presence until HE comes their way, until HE says:

[Brother Freedom begins to be overcome by the Holy Spirit. At this point the message that Freedom is being given from the Lord is paused by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit takes over speaking through Freedom directly. Freedom ceases preaching and now becomes a “mouth piece” for the Lord.]

“My child I have seen thy cry and I know thee and I know in MY heart. And I the Lord thy God shall come upon thee. And I shall ARREST those ones that come against THEE! And I shall bless thee. Be not afraid for I the Lord thy God shall come upon thee in a mighty way. And I shall HELP thee.

To those that will seek MY face, and those that will cry out to ME I the Lord thy God will NOT deny them a blessing. I will not deny them my power upon them. I will not deny MY scepter to be in their hands, that they will voice great and mighty things.

For it would be MY delight to strengthen those who will have their trust and belief in ME, that they will walk in MY path that I have led before MY people. And they will NO LONGER wander! They will no longer be skeptics. They will no longer be troubled by the pathway of this World. And they will NO LONGER be captive and captured by the enemy, because I will set them free. And they shall be delivered. And MY blessings shall be upon them. And MY anointing shall upon them.

And they shall have a real touch, a wholesome touch. And they will see MY GLORY unveiling before them as like a mighty scroll that will go before them. And it will roll out as they roll upon the carpet of MY Spirit.

I say that carpet of MY Spirit will roll out before MY brothers and MY sisters, those that love ME, MY family saith the Spirit of God.

And I say the wayfaring man, the old man that has sought his own path, he will not even see that carpet that is laid before MY saints. Those that will wait upon ME and endure to ME, I the Lord thy God shall open them a carpet that will not be able to be SEEN by the visitation of the eyes of this World!

But I say MY saints will know that it is before them. And they will not be afraid because they will walk out by FAITH. They will walk out like nothing is before them, and under them. And they shall be lifted up. And I shall keep them from falling! And I shall help them. And they will NEVER fall! They will NEVER fail!

I will undergird MY church with a mighty power. And MY blessings shall be upon them. And it would be MY delight in this last hours, when there is great and mighty troubles upon this Earth, where there is whoredoms of wrong doings, where there is a visitation of the enemy at all corners. And I say even MY church has been put down to the degree that they thought everything out. They know everything. BUT THEY DON’T KNOW MY SPIRIT, saith the Spirit of God! And through that MY Spirit is going to move mightily through those who will take time just to wait upon ME.

I don’t ask MY ones to know anything, just to seek MY face! And I shall educate them. And I shall bless them. And I shall encourage them. And I shall give them MY love! And I shall give them MY peace. And I shall give them MY joy! And I shall rain upon them MY blessings. And I shall fill them with the overflowing cup, that their cup will overflow, like a mighty river! It will flow out like a mighty artesian well! And I shall bless those ones.

And I say when thou speaketh, thou will KNOW it is from Heaven! And when thou speaketh you will know that your thoughts are being directed by Heaven’s shore. And I wish for a people, saith the Spirit of God, that will learn to walk upright before ME. And not have to know, their own self worth, their own self gain. But they will venture out and say they do not know, they DON’T CARE, for they want to be in the hands of their Lover, their ONE that loves them, the God that MADE them. They want to be in HIS will. They wish to walk as HE would have them walk. They no longer want to plan their own plan. But they want to walk victorious. They want to have the blessings of God upon them.

And I say those that will come in this fashion, I the Lord thy God shall NEVER fail them. And I will never let them wander. I shall keep them, even though they are a minority, I shall bless them. And I say, even right now for a season they may feel that they are losing out. But I say when I come through the clouds of glory, those that are led by MY Spirit are going to be drawn up from this evilness. And they are going to be READY, because they are not looking for man. They are not in tune, no longer, with the cares of this World. They are not in tune with some man. They are not in tune with someone. But they are in tune with the Spirit of God! They are in tune with the God that they love!

And because they are in tune with ME, I the Lord thy God shall touch them and they will no longer be crippled. They will no longer have their voice leaving them. And they will have a clearness in their hearts and life. And I know, MY people, right now through this time that you FIGHT the battle of faith, even MY ones. But I say there is a day coming when thou shall be lifted up to a higher realm, to a higher place. And I say for a short time, at the end time before MY coming, I say I AM going to put a blessing upon MY people. And they are going to go forth for a short time and do a great work for ME, saith the Spirit of God.

But I say many, many, many are going to be absent at that day. Many are absent this day that have KNOWN ME. They have forsaken MY Spirit. They have forsaken the pathway that I have started them on. And they have went back to their own ways, and they have planned their own sermons. They do their own things. They do their own speeches. They think about what they are going to pray, what is going to be sounding good. And it is like coming to ME as a tinkling symbol! It has lost it’s meaning! It has lost what they have counted it to be!

That bell no longer rings with a true ring. It has got a dull sound, and that is what is happening in MY churches. They have forsaken the right way. They have FORSAKEN MY Spirit. Now they have taken after the ways of Baal! They have taken after the evil ways. And they have imparted unto themselves GREAT SWELLING WORDS. And MY Word says in the last days there will be those that will have great and mighty teaching, and to bring great and mighty, swelling words upon their own lusts! And it shall bring them down to a place. It will bring them to an everlasting Hell, saith the Spirit of God!

For I AM going to move in a mighty way for those that would choose to love ME, SERVE ME. And they will come to ME. I will in no wise cast them out! And I shall strengthen them. And I shall touch them. And I shall minister MY love to them. And they shall be QUALIFIED in that Day. They shall be QUALIFIED! And I the Lord thy God shall bless them. And I shall enrich them. And I will incorporate MY power upon them. And I shall SPEAK to their hearts. And they know that I AM the KING of Kings, that I AM the Lord of glory, and I have not forsaken them, even though they feel alone in this last hour, because they feel so few. Because I say there is very few that REALLY move through MY Spirit, saith the Spirit of God.

FEW MOVE THROUGH THE SPIRIT. But I say I AM seeking for those that WILL. And did not I say that if I did not shorten that day that the very elect would not be saved? And I say there is whoredoms of wrong spirits that is coming into this Land. And I say, MY ones this day thou must be CAREFUL what thou saith, what thou taketh in to thyself. And be CAREFUL because your life is worth ALL, if it is in ME! But I say if thou forsakes ME, and thou misses out on that great and mighty Day, thou will be WORTHLESS! But I say thou shall live through Eternity and thou shall HURT the rest of thy life, at thy time, because there is NO way of escape from that thing!

But I have made a way for MY people to escape the grips of Hell. I have made them a way of escape, that they would know ME as their Saviour. And I would incorporate MY mighty Holy Spirit upon them. And they would be BLESSED. And they would feel MY cushion of MY mighty blessings upon them. And I would keep them through MY mighty hand.

But I say they forsake that! They go into TRADITION. They have forsaken the power that can save them. They have forsaken the ONE that can keep them! They have forsaken the ONE that can heal them. They have forsaken that ONE that can keep their minds freed from evil. They have forsaken that RIGHT pathway for the way of the World, that they might be well known among this World.

And I say there is many that is well known! And I say there is many that is well liked. But I say I wish for MY people, it would be better that they just have a dish rag over the corner and have MY Spirit, than have all the wealth of this World, and lose out on that mighty Day! For I AM saying what can be PAID for your souls, saith the Spirit of God? For your soul is worth A LOT. And I see a value in the soul, saith the Spirit of God.

I bankrupted Heaven. I sent MY Son, saith the Spirit of God, that HE might PAY IN FULL that ALL people can be saved, All could be redeemed. And then when HE left I told them that I would give them MY Spirit. MY Spirit would be by their side. And MY Spirit would live with them. And MY Spirit would guide them. And I would comfort them through MY Spirit.

And they have forsaken MY Spirit! And they become in these last days very WISE in their own eyes. And they have forgotten that they need MY presence. They have forgotten that I the Lord thy God am a jealous God. And I wish to lead MY people. And I say as the Israel wandered in the desert, MY churches are wandering this day. They are wandering!

They are going out for great and mighty teachings. They are going out for great and mighty things that are well pleasing to their minds. But I say it brings no healing to their life. It brings no healing to their spirit. It brings no HEALING from what they have went through. And when they come back the next day they feel like they are dragged out again. And I say there is no salvation for what they are looking for. I say the only thing that they need is MY presence. They need the Spirit of God! And they can name it whatever they want to name it. They can claim it, whatever they want to claim it. But they must have the TRUE, the GENUINE power of God.

MY church needs a GENUINE power of revival, saith the Spirit of God, that they might walk victorious in this last days, saith the Spirit of God.”

[At this point the Holy Spirit releases Freedom to continue the inspired message. However Freedom is not totally taken over. The anointing lowers back somewhat.]

The enemy didn’t want me to speak that. I don’t know what it is all about, but God is real! And HE has called the church. The church that it might be victorious! And everywhere you go the church is put down, those that really want to serve God. Those that want to let the Spirit move, they are no longer accepted.

We find ourselves in a place of un-acceptance. But we are NOT alone. God is the ONE they are not accepting! God wanted to bless the church with a mighty blessing that would be upon them, that they could actually take this World over in just a short time, if we would come together. And I’m saying what God has said is truly right. HE never failed.

But you know what people do? They take a word and they say, “Oh, that’s great!” Pretty soon they don’t even take heed to the things they have heard. They put it off. Pretty soon that word that God gave they say, “Well, God said HE will do it!” But God in everything has conditions with everything HE says! He says, IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” [2 Chronicles 7:14]

“IF MY people…” will turn around God is going to save us! HE is going to keep us. But we must call upon God. We must read HIS Word. We must pray without ceasing. We must stand upright. We must “…be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” [1st Corinthians 15:58] What we are doing for God is NOT in vain! It is GOD that wants to build up HIS people in a mighty way. HE wants to bless us as Joseph.

This is where we Christians find ourselves today. We are like Joseph! We find ourselves out here that we are different. And we say, “You know I believe that my God has given me a bright coat.” And it is the coat of many colors. And pretty soon you say, “Well, you know when you get that Coat of Many Colors, oh I’m really YOUR favorite son! And God is going to bless me. HE is going to keep me.”

But we don’t understand that there is many enemies out here that want to subdue us, that want to put us down. And this is the powers the activity that mankind meets constantly. And that is why we need to stay in the hallow of HIS mighty hand. We must stay under the guidance of God above, that we don’t KNOW what pitfall is before us.

Pretty soon Joseph goes out to his brothers. And pretty soon he tells his brothers about a story. And he says, “You know, you are going to be worshiping me some of these days.” You know, us Christians like myself I see, sometimes we are so nieve. We think what we are saying when we don’t even mean it the way it is being taken. We don’t mean it that they are going to be worshiping us. We are so happy in God, what God has done for us, we just speak it out saying, “You’re going to be worshiping me.”

So the other side took it saying, “Boy! We don’t want this brother around! We’re going to do him under.” So they tried to murder him. Another brother says, “No! Let’s sell him.”

Most Christians, we go through this same thing. If we don’t get put out of the picture very shortly then we go through another trial.

So here, Joseph now, he is on his way. He is sold! He is in bondage! He’s going down to Potipher’s house, basically. That is what it ends up. And he ends up in Potipher’s house. And here he knows the God he loves. This [Joseph] is one that stood true.

But how the rest of us, many times, we say, “Well, you know I have went through this thing and I’m just going to give up right now! I’m just going to go out. Those others must be right! It must be right you know. We don’t need the Spirit of God! We don’t need these things because THEY are prosperous. Look at me where I’m at!” 

[Joseph’s] brothers they weren’t in prison. They were still out herding sheep. They were in the company of their father. They had all of that. Here Joseph was a mighty man of God, supposed to be, and he’s down in Pitsville!! He was down under the ground for a while. They [the brothers] had to pull him up and get him out of there. He was down, down-trodden by men! Basically he became a slave.

And this is not becoming to a Christian. Many times we say, “Well, why am I in this place?” But God has a reason! God says, “Be ye faithful!”  “…be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” [1st Corinthians 15:58] “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…” [Ephesians 3:20]

God challenges us that we might stand strong with the power of God that we might “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” [Ephesians 6:11] Brother Lloyd, God wants us to stand “…and having done all, to STAND.” [Ephesians 6:13]


“If God be for us, who can be against us?” [Romans 8:31b] I love you guys, I’m not trying [to be critical]….but praise God the Spirit of God is REAL! HE wants to touch our hearts this day by the visitation of HIS love. HE wants to fellowship, to show us there is a place that HE wants us and HE is concerned where we are.

God was concerned about Joseph. HE is concerned about Lloyd. HE is concerned about Brother Clint. HE is concerned about Brother [Freedom]. HE is concerned about us ALL. And we must wake up, “…knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore…”  This is our problem!  “…let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,…” That is what WE have to do!  “…and let us put on the armour of light.” [Romans 13:11-12]

So in this casting off, we get off the old ugly stuff out of our lives. And we “Put on the whole armour of God,…” [Ephesians 6:11] We put on the love of God, that you “…be strong in the power of the Lord,…” [Ephesians 6:10] “And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” [Ephesians 4:24]

But you know I can see Joseph, as it says in the Word, he never did give up! He never gave up with God. And he went down to Potipher’s house. And we know that how he was the second in command there. He had the keeping of the house. Potipher’s wife went and said some accusations that were not true. And now days, it would be the same way; he was run down to prison. And this might have ruined some people’s reputation. And you know it might destroy a lot of people.

I know how I would feel if I wasn’t guilty and here I find myself in prison. I thought about that today. How would I feel if I was in prison, for something like that, that I wasn’t even [guilty of]. You know I’d feel like almost giving up, especially if you were in for a life term. And now days you can get a life term. So now here he has gone in that same way.

But there is this butler and this baker that have these dreams. And one was going to be killed and the other [reinstated]. Pharaoh has a bad dream and the butler says, “This Joseph gave the answer…” [to my dream in prison].

The anointing showed Joseph the answer! And that is what we need, as brothers in the Lord. We need the answer from Heaven! The Word says that God is not a respecter of persons. [See Romans 2:11] “…greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [1 John 4:4b] “…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” [John 14:27] The Bible says, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward HIM.” [2 Chronicles 16:9a] “If MY people, which are called by MY name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” [2 Chronicles 7:14] “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” [Proverbs 14:12] “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and HIS righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto YOU.” [Matthew 6:33]

There is a way that seemeth right. We all can be lifted by the Spirit of God to walk in heavenly places. “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,” [Jude 1:20] There is a tool that God has given us, and God has equiped us with something that Joseph didn’t have. Joseph had the Spirit of God, but I am here today to declare that God has given us something, a tool that is greater, it is more challenging than anything that you have ever…IT’S POWERFUL, the power of the Holy Ghost!

We need to take insight on what is going to help us. And what is going to help us…I’m going to fail without the power of the Holy Ghost! I CANNOT make it, even through Jesus [without the Holy Ghost]. Jesus saw in this last days that it was going to be so treacherous; there is going to be so much evil that we needed the Comforter. We need the presence of God within us! “…greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [1 John 4:4b] I feel the Spirit of God wants to direct us. I’m preaching to myself. God has a way of escape!

You know, there was a REASON why Joseph was down in Egypt! There was a REASON. God planted him there for a reason! Because there was going to be a famine in the Land. And God has put us out here because there is going to be a FAMINE in the Word [of God]. There is going to be a FAMINE of those that are not going to listen to what the Spirit of God says! And God says, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” [1st Corinthians 15:58] God is saying be STEADFAST, UNMOVEABLE.

Brother Lloyd, God has got a calling for you! God has got a blessing for you, that you must take “…heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.” [Hebrews 2:1]

As the hardship came on in this prison, they said, “This man has something!” The prisoners and the one that was in charge over the prison, they knew that Joseph had something that was real! I don’t care what conditions you are in, wherever you are, people that are around about can SEE that you have got something that they NEED! You have that working within you “…greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [1 John 4:4b]

We need to have that visitation of God in our hearts, that we have a REAL poise of God, the blessings of God so upon us that we are the ANSWER for the hour. Joseph was the answer for the hour! You are the ANSWER for the hour! You are the ANSWER, for THIS HOUR! Believe it this day!! You must take heed! You must have faith! “…without faith it is impossible to please…” GOD!! [See Hebrews 11:6] And that is the hour that we live in! We need to be so full of the Spirit of God. But we also need to walk in faith, believing that our presence can make a difference! It isn’t what you say, but it is your closeness to God that answers, that makes the difference! There is something that you KNOW that God is NOT going to fail you! You KNOW that God is going to keep you! You know HIS presence is with you, that HE loves you so much!

I don’t believe that Joseph ever [gave up]. The Bible says, “Now unto HIM that is able to keep you from falling,…” [Jude 1:24] I don’t believe that Joseph failed. I don’t believe that Joseph ever fell. He might have been close to falling. “…and to present you faultless…” [Jude 1:24] I believe that he was faultless! I believe that God said, “Hey, he’s going through troublesome times. I know he is human. He might stumble a little bit. But in MY eyes I see him as perfected! I see him [that way] because I AM lifting him up! I AM lifting him. He is groveling, yes. But all he needs to do is call upon ME and I will come down there. For MY eye is on the sparrow! And I will lift him up! MY eye is upon him! And I shall bless him! All he has to do is call upon ME, and arrangements shall be made, that MY angels shall be upon him. And I shall guard him.”

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, HE is my refuge and my fortress: my [MIGHTY] God…” [Psalm 91:1-2] God with HIS ears open says, “My church is not calling unto ME! They are not calling to ME! I’ve been listening for years, and they don’t call! They don’t call! They go their own way! They seek people that do not know ME for the answers!”

And how this must grieve God! There is people that are so out of tune with God, that don’t know anything. They don’t know whether their heads is up or their tails are down! They don’t KNOW!! God knows! HE is the way! HE wants us to re-program! We need to re-program this [pointing to his head] up here! “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on THEE: because he trusteth in THEE.” [Isaiah 26:3]

We must keep this mind on the things of God! We must take GREAT HEED in this last days, that I am going to take great BELIEF, that I must choose each day that I am going to have everyday of my life [focused on God]. I am going to choose again: “I will not let go of you this day, Father God! I will NOT let go of YOU, this day because it means my destiny through eternity.”

You MUST take HEED, every day of your life; we must from this time on in our life [take heed]. My thyroid problem, that’s what God is showing me right now. I have got to take everyday a pill. And I have to do that everyday. And from this day on we must take a Holy Ghost pill, and say, “Lord I want you! I don’t want this World! I want YOU, by the Spirit of God, because I cannot make it.”

There is something in my body that I don’t have. And I need the power of the Holy Ghost. I need that Holy Ghost for the hour, that I might be so inspired by the Spirit of God, that I might walk in victory, that I might walk in holiness, that I might walk in obedience to God, that I might SERVE HIM.

The church in this World needs to hear this message today! They need to HEAR what I am speaking because God has a message for the hour, and the churches will not let it be spoke. And God is going to speak it out in some house like this. And the Spirit of God is REAL!! HE is going to visit the hearts of people! HE is calling for a people, right now, that they must know HIM, that they will be suited up, ready, looking for HIS coming. Because HIS coming is very soon.

You know Joseph had the answer for Pharaoh. And then Pharoah’s trouble…oh I feel the presence of God here right now. I feel the demonic power, yes there is powers of the enemy. But God is here to break those powers in the wonderful name of Jesus! Lord I pray, Lord God visit my brother from this day on, the power of God! Glory to God! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Glory to God!

But you know that is still not the end of that sermon. God had to bring Joseph out. HE brings him out to Pharaoh. And he gives Pharaoh the answer. He says, “You’re going to have seven good years. But then you are going to have seven lean years. You need to save the grain and store it in a storehouse because the World, the whole World is going to be needful.”

Brothers here today. God is showing me the whole World is going to be needful!! The whole World needs Jesus. They need Jesus, true. But they need the power of the Holy Ghost! Jesus plainly said, “It is needful that I go away,…”“…for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come…” [John 16:7] “But if I go away I will send the Comforter!”

The Comforter of God is the ONE that brings that anointing. The Comforter is what comforts us! The Comforter of God is what lifts up JESUS! The Comforter is HERE to serve GOD! The Comforter is here to HELP us, to enable us, to make a way for us, that we can hear from Heaven, that we will no longer walk in discouragement! But we will walk with GOOD NEWS in our ears!

All God wants us to do is be faithful. HE wants us just to follow HIM. It is SO easy we miss it. And we just say, “Lord, here am I.”

And Joseph prepared for that seven more years. He had seven good years. And during those seven years they took and put this extra corn back, that it might be used in those seven bad years.

And that is what God wants to do with us this day. HE wants us to put so much of HIS presence within ourselves that in that hour that we have to give out, that we can have a store house, overflowing [with] the presence of God upon us. That we know, without questioning, [that] GOD is real! That we know, when we say there is going to be seven bad years, that it is GOING to take place! We have that reality in God that we know “MY God never fails!” HE is always right! HE is always perfect! HE is always blessed! HE is ALWAYS faithful! Brother Gregory says, “God is faithful!” HE is faithful!

The Bible says, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” [1st Corinthians 10:13] That is to each one of you. There is “temptation taken” man, which is common to man, but with that temptation [God] will make a way of escape, that we might be able to bear it.

God is FAITHFUL! God is faithful to keep us, to bless us, to strengthen us, to incorporate HIS LOVE, hallelujah, the blessings of God to be over us, that HE might cover us.

But God is coming through the clouds of glory. And the sad thing is, I believe time is getting short. And if we miss it, brothers, we’ve missed it all! And we need the power of God. We need to have our [spiritual] store houses FULL, overflowing, the presence of God that is REAL, that God is ever faithful.

Praise God, oh hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Praise God! God is real! God wants to touch you here this day. God wants to bless you, here this day. And Joseph was BLESSED. Joseph was blessed!

But you know, then Joseph, his family [back in Canaan] get to where they don’t have any food either. So God foresaw all this, before it ever took place. That is how good God is! He is glorious! HE knows all about it. HE knows those clouds were going to be here this day. He knew that little butterfly, over there, HE knew that was going to be there. That is how good God is.

But you know the enemy don’t know this! And that is what we need to take heed [to]. He don’t know nothing [compared to God]. And if we do our work right, God is on your side. But if we give in, then we are in trouble. We can’t give in. And the [the enemy] has the World, sad to say. He plays a big part in the World events, all that is taking place on the TV, that you see, is his handiwork, every place how he is calling people to do things they shouldn’t do. That is the enemy!

But God has come to set us free. God came to give us more abundant life, to give a new life, a new hope, a new strength. But that life comes not through Jesus only, but it comes through going on after Jesus comes into our lives, that we don’t stop at just when we know Jesus. Yes, that is wonderful! But that is when you need to take heed to the things that you hear. We must “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” [2nd Timothy 2:15] We must pray without ceasing! We must call upon HIM, [the Lord God]. We must realize that, and get it down in here [in our spirit] that we won’t survive unless we do! We will NOT survive unless we do!!

Brother [Freedom] has been playing church for too long!! I’m ashamed of myself! I’ve been shorted. People [in the churches] are ashamed to let God move. Why should I even go to a place like that?? Shame on me! Shame! Shame! Shame on me!

We really need to take heed to what God has called us [to do]. I’m not trying to build anything up, but the Spirit is laying this on my heart. We must take heed to the things of God! We need to be at a place where God can speak to our heart. As God has shown me time and time again, “a rag is going in that engine, shut it off!”

I’ve heard these people say, “Well, you know the Holy Spirit would let you know in six months from now.” NO! HE can let you know RIGHT NOW!! I’m not trying to be a smartelic. I don’t know anything. But I do know that God is real wonderful! HE wants to touch us. HE wants to bless us. HE wants to keep us. HE wants to anoint us, that our cup runs over. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” [Psalm 23:6a]

But you know those that tried to kill Joseph [his brothers] came before Joseph. And Joseph became their savior. He became the one that could save them, that did save them. And he became a leader to those. And what he was saying was very true. [in his dream]. But it just took a lapse of time, from the time that he said that to the time that it became active.

Many times that is the way our lives are. We start out. We don’t see anything happening. But you know what, your steps are ordered by God. And things that you see, somebody else will say, “Well, I don’t see nothing.” [But you say,] “Well, I just see that I just healed someone,” because you are seeing not with the same eyes that they see with. You are seeing through the eyes of God, that wants to be in you.

But you must be a vessel for God. The Bible says, “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be MY people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be MY sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” [2 Corinthians 6:16-18] “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” [2 Corinthians 7:1] **See, that is what we have to do! We need to perfect our lives for God.

I just feel God sent this message today. I didn’t even think about it. I was so tired. But God wants to touch us.

[The Spirit of God came upon Brother Freedom again speaking directly from the Throne Room to conclude the ministry.]

“There are many skeptics in this Land today. And I say these skeptics, many of them, are those who I have done the most for. They started out well, but through a process of time they have changed directions. They thought it wise that they would be studious, that they would know it in their heart. But I say, I want a people that know ME in the Spirit.

Does not MY Word say thou must know ME, and worship ME in Spirit and in Truth? But I AM a Spirit. I say thy heart is FAR from ME MY ones. But MY Spirit, the part of ME that rests within you, I say when it becomes alive and it takes over and manages this vessel, this vessel of clay that I created. But I say when this takes place I say this one that has lived it’s life through ugliness of sin has had many failures, has had many problems, has had many wrong doings in their life. And they have said great terrible things, and thought many times terrible things. And I say through this they have been changed by MY Spirit.

From that day forth I wish to grow in that vessel. I wish to come into that vessel to make that vessel new by MY Spirit. I wish to put a love within the heart of that one. I wanted to put MY blessings within that one, that THAT one will be a reverse from the direction they had first encountered this walk with this world.

And they do an about face and walk the opposite way, which is back toward ME. I say when they were beginning they was walking in sin, away from their God. But I say at that time of visitation they are to take a total one eighty! And go back toward the God that they love. And from that day on I wish to incorporate MY love. I wish to train them. I wish to visit their hearts. I wish to provide for them. I wish to keep them in perfect health. I wish to keep them supplied, every need that they need. I wish to make them happy.

It is not MY heart and MY desire for MY people to be sad, no longer. But I wish to be, for MY people, to be happy, that MY people would walk with joy, that they would walk with peace, that they would walk with MY love, that they would walk in VICTORY, saith the Spirit of God.

But I say when that one vears off from ME it troubles ME, says the Spirit of God. It is hard. MY heart gets troubled, says the Spirit of God. For MY ones that I have wanted to follow ME they deliberately go back in their own way. But I say ALL have forsaken ME! But I have been FAITHFUL. I have been FAITHFUL in loving MY people, to bless MY people. And MY Son has paid in full, that these lives CAN BE CHANGED by the Spirit of God!

But I have also incorporated in MY ones that after this change takes place that I have incorporated in their lives a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within MY one, that resides within MY ones, that moves within them. And it becomes greater as that ONE that is within them, than the presence of this World. And I say brings them down to a way that MY people can understand. HE becomes a helper for you, saith the Spirit of God. HE becomes that ONE that may help you make decisions. HE helps you, satisfies you. HE helps you in ALL the areas that you need. In your work area HE is there to help you. HE is able to help you through marriage. HE is able to help you through ALL points of your life. And HE will HELP you MY ones. HE is there to be that Saviour that you need. HE is able to guide you when there is a treacherous way before you. HE is able to speak to your heart and say, “MY son, MY daughter do not go this way!” And you will LISTEN to what HE says.

But I say many of MY people have not gotten to that degree that they are listening at HIM. They do not know HIS voice. They are just very learned, so they have taken it to plan their own life, that they can do their will. And this is MY people that I AM speaking about, saith the Spirit of God. And they have forgotten that MY Spirit is there for a constant guide, A CONSTANT GUIDE, A CONSTANT GUIDE that will be with MY ones through their whole life.

But I say, most of MY church believes that it is by them listening, and reading MY Word, that they can do. And they make choices. They make choices all the time. And it doesn’t come by the decision of MY Spirit. It comes by THEIR choosing.

But I wish for MY church to come HIGHER, that I would be within them. And I would speak to their [heart]. And I would be their God, and they should be MY people, that MY Spirit would rest heavily upon them, that they might be incorporated by MY VOICE, that MY sheep they would know MY voice and a stranger they do not know. That they would NO LONGER KNOW the enemy, the pathway of the enemy. They would know the voice of the God they love, the Spirit of God within them. And they would FOLLOW in the ways that I have called them. They would be victorious.

For I the Lord want to bless MY people in this last hour, that MY people would arise with power, that MY people would rise with MY love within them, that MY people would rise being victorious.

I say many of MY people are NOT victorious in this day. If you could see what I see about them you would see many that is coming to MY churches that live in wickedness through the week. They live in a divided household. They live in a place of the World part of the week, and part of the week, Sunday, they live in a different life. I see ALL phases, saith the Spirit of God.

But I wish for a person, a one that stays constantly the same. Twenty-four hours a day they stay the same. And their ears are open to MY cry. And they are open for ME to conduct business with them, if I call upon them. They are there with an attentive ear to HEAR when I wish to speak to them.

And I say, many do not take heed to MY Word. Many do not take thought in praying. They do not do these things that brings them CLOSE to ME. But MY people, MY church needs to pray. MY church needs to seek MY Word. MY church needs to study MY Word. MY church needs to call upon ME.

But I say, when people forget these things they lose out. And pretty soon, if not they lose, they become cold.

And I say many times when people become cold, to have MY Spirit then they go on their selves. And I say the “old man,” after he has got cold, does things, that cannot be totally predicted. He does things that he doesn’t even know why he is doing them, because he is not led by ME. He is led by himself. He is trying to do MY work. He is trying to still be a child of God, but yet he is figuring out his whole life.

And I wish to lead MY church. I wish to lead MY people in this last days, that MY people might be victorious, that MY people would be courageous, that MY people would be HOLY. MY people would be above reproach. MY people would no longer lie. MY people would no longer cheat. MY people would no longer fret. MY people would no longer have adulterous things in their lives. That MY people would put OFF the former conversation, the old man, the corruptness that is not wholesome in their lives.

I wish to visit MY people in a mighty way in his last days. I want to move upon MY people. I have been WAITING for MY people to call upon ME. But I hear no one. Very few call upon ME wanting to change. They call upon ME, but many times it is by the direction of man. They wish and they plan for man. And so MY church has grown to a place it is man constructed. It is man’s ways. And men give the rules. Men give the regulations. And I AM out here still calling for a people.

I AM looking for a people. But I say MY people are far from ME. MY people are FAR from ME. MY people do not understand MY Spirit is a BLESSING for them. MY Spirit is a GOODNESS for them. MY Spirit will help them, but they do not understand this. They put off what that can lift them up. And they lose out.

MY people need to pray. Those of you this day, saith the Spirit of God, that know ME, you need to pray. PRAY that MY people, that ALL people would come closer. That MY people would be a revival of spirit, because I the Spirit of God see a leanness in the spirit. Those that are led by MY Spirit are the sons of God. I say, saith the Spirit of God, I see a LEANNESS in this area, through MY pastors, through MY teachers, in all areas a LEANNESS, that they are VERY lean.

And I want MY people to be FULL of ME. MY people need to be victorious in ME. And I wish for that to take place. And I AM coming soon. I AM COMING SOON! I AM looking for a church, but I see MY church is wanting. MY church has been missing many of the things that I want to incorporate within them. And they do not SEEK ME, saith the Spirit of God. They go in their own various ways, saith the Spirit of God.”

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